Friday, February 1, 2013

Quick meal: Egg muffins

I have to admit that I love oatmeal. And I also must admit that oatmeal isn't the best choice according to the paleo gods. A couple of weekends ago, I decided to make some egg muffins so that I could enjoy them immediately and also save them for a quick microwaveable breakfast (or lunch).

One egg muffin, read for eating

I used this recipe from River North Paleo Girl as a starting point, and it provided a pretty good framework.

My adapted recipe (and keep in mind, you can put anything you want in there):

- Half a package of bacon
- 1 small onion, diced
- 1 Tbsp tomato paste
- 1 - 14 oz. can of diced tomatoes, strained
- 8 eggs
- 1/4 package frozen spinach 
- 2 pre-cooked chicken sausage (I used Italian ones from Trader Joe's)
- Salt
- Oregano
- Basil
- Cracked black pepper to taste

- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Cook bacon, remove, and drain some of the fat. Add the onions and sauté. Add tomato paste, cook and stir into the onions. 
- Add tomatoes, spinach, and chicken sausage. Cook down for 5 minutes or so.
- Cut up bacon into bite-size pieces.
- In a separate bowl, crack and beat eggs until fluffy.
- Add oregano, basil, salt and pepper to the eggs.
- Grease muffin tin cups.
- Add bacon pieces to the tomato mixture and stir.
- Spoon the tomato mixture equally into the twelve muffin cups.

Tomato mixture and egg waiting to be poured
- Pour egg mixture into muffin cups. Mine filled almost to the brim, so be careful not to pour too fast.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes.

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