Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Rabbit rabbit"

I love this tradition. Though there are several variations (didn't know that until I just looked it up), I grew up with this little superstition. On the first day of every month, it is considered good luck for the rest of that month if the first words you speak that day are, "Rabbit rabbit." I feel like one of my parents told me it was also good luck to say it while going down the stairs backwards. I have some distinct memories of doing this on stairs that were on the side of my house where I grew up.

I rarely remember to say "rabbit rabbit," but I did today! I think it's because I was very aware that a new month was coming when I fell asleep last night. I have a lot of fun things lined up for February, so I am excited for it to be a little lucky as well.


  1. I recently just read your p90x blog and saw your results. I just got those dvd's for christmas (like it was some subliminal message from my parents) and started running again. from the sound of it, you like p90x. got any tips to stay interested and get through it?

  2. Thanks for reading my p90x blog! I think it helps if you know someone else doing the program because you can keep each other accountable (if not, maybe tell someone about it so you'd feel bad quitting). I'd also try to do the workouts the same time each day so it becomes part of your routine and it's something you know you've made time for every day. Good luck!
